inputs: { config, lib, pkgs, system, ... }: let cfg = config.outage-detector; package = inputs.self.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.default; inherit (lib) mkIf mkEnableOption mkOption types; in { options.outage-detector = { enable = mkEnableOption "outage-detector"; timer = lib.mkOption { type = types.nullOr; default = null; description = lib.mdDoc '' The time intervall in seconds the script should be repeated. ''; }; settings = mkOption { type = with types; let valueType = nullOr (oneOf [ # TODO: restrict type to actual config file structure bool int float str path (attrsOf valueType) (listOf valueType) ]); in valueType; default = { logFile = throw "Please specify outage-detector.settings."; host = ""; timeout = 2; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = [package]; = mkIf (cfg.timer != null) { script = "${package}/bin/outage_detector log ${cfg.settings.logFile} --host ${} --timeout ${cfg.settings.timeout}"; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; }; }; systemd.timers.outage-detector = mkIf (cfg.timer != null) { wantedBy = [""]; timerConfig = { OnBootSec = "0s"; OnUnitActiveSec = "${toString cfg.timer}s"; Unit = "outage-detector.service"; }; }; }; }