################################################################################ 2015-09-26; by Dominik Rueß - removed a bug which prevented saving on clicking on the save button - disabled disabling of saving button (user can choose to overwrite) ################################################################################ 2015-09-25; by Dominik Rueß - removed a bug which caused an application crash on loading images - added successful saving information text on status bar - removed a bug which caused backslashes in filepath to not save files - removed a bug which caused an exception on exiting the program - removed a bug which prevented saving when non existing directory was specified - added "uninstall before install" which tries to uninstall old versions - removed some fixed paths and settings for cmake - added bit information (i.e. 32/64) to about dialog ################################################################################ 2015-08; by Dominik Rueß - added mutex to decrease maximum memory consumption (useful for the 32bit vresions) - added online documentation to docs folder - A new selection can now also be created by clicking twice (used to be only by dragging) - faster extraction of preview in previously bloccking situations - made some changes to the online documentation, i.e. howto install - added the online documentation to the source package - fixed a bug which would not reload already seen 16bit images - fixed a bug which caused the application to crash on closing it ################################################################################ 2015-08; by Dominik Rueß First release