MainWindow 0 0 1167 667 MainWindow 6 3 3 3 3 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Scanned Image:</span></p></body></html> The input image view. Zoom in/out (also use mousewheel). Create new output image by start ing to drag. Manipulate output images by dragging on their borders or corners (with SHIFT+drag it is rotating). The input image view. Zoom in/out (also use mousewheel). Create new output image by start ing to drag. Manipulate output images by dragging on their borders or corners (with SHIFT+drag it is rotating). The input image view. Zoom in/out (also use mousewheel). Create new output image by start ing to drag. Manipulate output images by dragging on their borders or corners (with SHIFT+drag it is rotating). Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Zoom in Zoom in Zoom in + :/images/View-zoom-in.svg:/images/View-zoom-in.svg 32 32 Zoom out Zoom out Zoom out - :/images/View-zoom-out.svg:/images/View-zoom-out.svg 32 32 Zoom to scale 1:1 Zoom to scale 1:1 Zoom to scale 1:1 1:1 :/images/View-zoom-1.svg:/images/View-zoom-1.svg 32 32 Zoom fit Zoom fit Zoom fit fit :/images/View-zoom-fit.svg:/images/View-zoom-fit.svg 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Go to first file in the current directory Go to first file in the current directory Go to first file in the current directory |< :/images/Media-skip-backward.svg:/images/Media-skip-backward.svg 32 32 Go to previous file in the current directory Go to previous file in the current directory Go to previous file in the current directory < :/images/Media-seek-backward.svg:/images/Media-seek-backward.svg 32 32 Ctrl+V Go to next file in the current directory (CTRL+B) Go to next file in the current directory (CTRL+B) Go to next file in the current directory (CTRL+B) > :/images/Media-seek-forward.svg:/images/Media-seek-forward.svg 32 32 Ctrl+B Go to last file in the current directory Go to last file in the current directory Go to last file in the current directory >| :/images/Media-skip-forward.svg:/images/Media-skip-forward.svg 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Save all output images for current input image (green=has already been saved) Save all output images for current input image (green=has already been saved) Save all output images for current input image (green=has already been saved) save :/images/Document-save.svg:/images/Document-save.svg 32 32 Ctrl+S Qt::Horizontal 40 20 ... :/images/Refresh_file.svg:/images/Refresh_file.svg 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Set aspect options for extracted images Aspect Ratio 3 0 1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Set aspect of output images to 1:1 (1) Set aspect of output images to 1:1 (1) Set aspect of output images to 1:1 (1) 1:1 1 Set aspect of output images to 5:4 (8) Set aspect of output images to 5:4 (8) Set aspect of output images to 5:4 (8) 5:4 8 Set aspect of output images to 3:2 (2) Set aspect of output images to 3:2 (2) Set aspect of output images to 3:2 (2) 3:2 2 true Set aspect of output images to 2:1 (4) Set aspect of output images to 2:1 (4) Set aspect of output images to 2:1 (4) 2:1 4 Set aspect of output images to 4:1 (6) Set aspect of output images to 4:1 (6) Set aspect of output images to 4:1 (6) 4:1 6 Set aspect of output images to 5:3 (7) Set aspect of output images to 5:3 (7) Set aspect of output images to 5:3 (7) 5:3 7 Set aspect of output images to manual (0) Set aspect of output images to manual (0) Set aspect of output images to manual (0) Manual 0 Set aspect of output images to 4:3 (3) Set aspect of output images to 4:3 (3) Set aspect of output images to 4:3 (3) 4:3 3 0 0 Set aspect of output images to 16:9 (9) Set aspect of output images to 16:9 (9) Set aspect of output images to 16:9 (9) 16:9 9 Set aspect of output images to 3:1 (5) Set aspect of output images to 3:1 (5) Set aspect of output images to 3:1 (5) 3:1 5 Set aspect of output images to free or unconstrained (CTRL+-) Set aspect of output images to free or unconstrained (CTRL+-) Set aspect of output images to free or unconstrained (CTRL+-) Free Ctrl+- false enforce this ratio in next unprocessed image Orientation of Output false 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 the output orientation change is none (A) the output orientation change is none (A) the output orientation change is none (A) A the output orientation change is 180° (upside down) - (KEY D) the output orientation change is 180° (upside down) - (KEY D) the output orientation change is 180° (upside down) - (KEY D) 180° D the output orientation change is 90° (rotate right) - (KEY S) the output orientation change is 90° (rotate right) - (KEY S) the output orientation change is 90° (rotate right) - (KEY S) 90° S the output orientation change is 180° (rotate left) - (KEY F) the output orientation change is 180° (rotate left) - (KEY F) the output orientation change is 180° (rotate left) - (KEY F) 270° F Misc 0 0 3 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 detected images will be cropped by this size detected images will be cropped by this size detected images will be cropped by this size 1 99.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 This crop is applied to all new targets. Individual target crops can be adapted by selecting it and change "current" This crop is applied to all new targets. Individual target crops can be adapted by selecting it and change "current" This crop is applied to all new targets. Individual target crops can be adapted by selecting it and change "current" 1 99.000000000000000 2.000000000000000 Crop border (%), initial: current: 75 true After clicking on this button, click on any element to get some short help about it After clicking on this button, click on any element to get some short help about it After clicking on this button, click on any element to get some short help about it ? 32 32 false Qt::Horizontal <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Selected Output Image (Preview):</span></p></body></html> This is the preview area for the currently selected output image This is the preview area for the currently selected output image This is the preview area for the currently selected output image Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Go to previous output image within the current input Go to previous output image within the current input Go to previous output image within the current input &prev. Item :/images/Media-seek-backward.svg:/images/Media-seek-backward.svg 32 32 N Go to next output image within the current input (M) Go to next output image within the current input (M) Go to next output image within the current input (M) &next Item :/images/Media-seek-forward.svg:/images/Media-seek-forward.svg 32 32 M remove the current output image (will not be saved to hard drive) remove the current output image (will not be saved to hard drive) remove the current output image (will not be saved to hard drive) &delete Item :/images/Edit-delete.svg:/images/Edit-delete.svg 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 1167 25 &File Help &Load File Load an input image, which usually is a scanned image from an album Load an input image, which usually is a scanned image from an album Ctrl+L Set &Target Directory Set Output Directory Set Output Directory Set the directory where the extracted files will be written to Set the directory where the extracted files will be written to Ctrl+T &Exit Close the program Close the program &About About &Qt &Help F1 Support by donation Check for new version &Settings About liblbfgs About Open&CV