HelpDialog 0 0 750 650 Help 18 75 true Scanned Image Extractor Help true 0 0 730 561 Find the more detailed online help at <a href=""></a> true This is a short introduction on how to use <i>Scanned Image Extractor</i>. Scroll down to see the complete help text. <br> Now, here is an example of how the user interface of the program may look like: true QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised image Qt::AlignCenter 25 First of all, you load a scanner image. It will appear in the area marked with (1). The program will suggest some photographs. These are marked with a rectangle. Once you select such a rectangle, its preview will apear in the area (2). <br>The properties of these rectangles can be changed in area (3). aspect ratio changes are located in (4) and the orientation of every rectangle/photograph can be changed in (5). true <b>Photograph/Rectangle Handling:</b> <br>You can modify the shape of the output photographs/rectangles:<ul> <li>drag corner or edge of rectangles for size changes</li> <li>press CTRL for symmetric change</li> <li>keep SHIFT pressed before dragging corner, this rotates the rectangle</li> <li>add new rectangle: deselect all (click somewhere empty). Click on a photograph corner, keep mouse clicked and drag line to a second corner. Then move/resize the new rectangle and click to release.</li> </ul> If you process to the next scanned image, the previous photographs will be extracted <i>automatically</i>. true <b>Keyboard shortcuts:</b><table> <tr><td>Keys 0-9</td><td> select aspect ratios</td></tr> <tr><td>Keys 'a', 's', 'd' and 'f'</td><td> change orientation of current target</td></tr> <tr><td style="padding-right:20px;">Keys CTRL+V and CTRL+B</td><td> navigate to prev. and next input image</td></tr> <tr><td>Keys N, M and delete</td><td> navigate prev. and next target or delete target</td></tr></table> Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &OK Qt::Horizontal 40 20 pushButton clicked() HelpDialog close() 320 456 319 239